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Labiaplasty Specialist

Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN

OBGYNs located in Memphis, TN

If you’re experiencing an uncomfortable twisting in your labia when you wear your bathing suit or put on your exercise gear, a labiaplasty may be just the solution you’re looking for. The team at Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN in Memphis, Tennessee, offers labiaplasty to remove excess tissue during a simple procedure that will tighten the area appreciably. To explore the benefits of labiaplasty, call or book an appointment online.

Labiaplasty Q & A

What is a labiaplasty?

To understand the purpose of a labiaplasty, it’s helpful to review the anatomy of your vulva, which is the term for your external genitalia. Your vulva plays an important role in protecting your vaginal and urinary openings, acting as a line of defense. The flat area around these openings is called the vestibule.

Surrounding and folding over your vestibule are your labia minora; the areas on either side of your labia minora are called your labia majora, which support your pubic hair. Your clitoris is located at the top of the oval formed by your labia minora.

A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the length of your labia minora.

Why should I consider a labiaplasty?

A labiaplasty may provide an effective solution if:

  • Your excess labia minora tissues often get twisted and cause discomfort
  • Your labia minora are easily caught or tugged
  • Your labia minora fall out of your bathing suit
  • Your labia minora cause discomfort during sex

Outside of discomfort issues, a labiaplasty addresses aesthetic concerns if you’re displeased with the size of your labia minora.

How is a labiaplasty performed?

A labiaplasty is a relatively simple procedure that the doctors at Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN perform right in their office, usually under local anesthesia — you can discuss general anesthesia with your doctor if you prefer that option.

Your doctor approaches your labiaplasty in one of several ways. They may:

  • Remove the excess tissue in your labia minora
  • Remove a wedge from your labia minora, reducing its size
  • Remove extra folds around your clitoris, if desired

In all of these options, the doctor stitches the area up with absorbable sutures.

Are there any risks associated with a labiaplasty?

While a labiaplasty is a fairly minor surgery, it’s still surgery and carries with it a small chance of:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising

You can also expect some mild pain or discomfort after the procedure, which can easily be addressed with over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen. The doctors at Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN make sure you receive complete aftercare instructions, and they’re available to answer any questions you may have.

If you’re interested in a labiaplasty, call Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN or schedule a consultation using the online booking tool.